Jeff rayner

3795 days ago

Kefi – Creative destruction, Schumpeter's Gale: it’s all good news

Schumpeter was an economist of a Marxist bent and thus his thoughts can neatly be summarised as those of a prize loon who was wrong on all counts. But his concept of creative destruction can in a variant form be used to describe the beauty of capitalism and that brings us to what looks to be a cracking deal for AIM Listed Kefi Minerals (KEFI) announced today. I met up with the Kefi team yesterday and was made an insider and so have had time to ponder.

The main guy at Kefi (no offence to non exec Harry Adams) is Jeff Rayner who I first encountered donkeys years ago when he was a geologist at Gold Mines of Sardinia. He is a solid chaps who quite obviously would rather be chipping rock samples in the desert than talking to City tossers. But unlike rather to many geos he also has a clear commercial mind. Jeff runs a business not an academic project. 
